
Nika Zupanc traditionally makes careful selections of her themes and forms. With them she offers an exciting look at the predominately male furniture-design market, where all the aspiration is poured into the technical, rational, sober, and utilitarian, as opposed to the intuitive, eclectic, vain, and hysterical. To accomplish this Nika Zupanc uses her poetic judgment, inner battles with stereotypes, and long-lasting affairs with technologies. She mindfully explores the limits of the industry when it comes to emotional effect and the juxtaposition of materials, both in product design and interiors.

In international press, her work was described as everything from “punk elegance” (Elle USA) and “Techno chic” (BUSINESSSWEEK), to “larger than life” (CLEAR MAGAZINE) and featured in number of relevant international press such as Wallpaper, Icon, Frame, Financial times, Elle Decor etc.

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