Fabricant ‣ Sollos
Contacter le fabricant
Dimensions ‣ 50cm   1.60cm  
Origine ‣ Sollos - Brasil


Santa Catarina's renowned designer Jader Almeida created the Cheig bench, which can reach a width of 1.60 meters. The Cheigh bench won the bronze award at the IDEA/Brazil competion in the HOME category. It is also available in smaller, 72cm long versions. The bench has a molded multi-laminate structure and is coated with strips of topstitched fabric/leather. With a basic shape and an oblong format, the Cheig Bench combines the convenience of length adjustment and the upholstery versatility of its frame, which may be made of several materials such as fabric, leather, canvas, patchworks, among others. "It's a multi-function piece, which can be used in residential, commercial, or corporate environments.

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